Doggy Daycare
While at our facility we will provide doggy daycare and training.
There are numerous ways to train dogs, positive and negative. Whilst at daycare we create enjoyable experiences to create lasting positive changes!

​We focus on positive reinforcement and negative punishment in training. The focus of the training is below:
Dogs are in a constant state of learning – Every interaction you have, the dog has with the environment, other dogs, and species is a learning experience and opportunity! We take advantage of this!
Building a human-animal bond is key! – Effective and efficient training is only as good as the human-animal bond between the owner, trainer and animal. All dogs are sensitive to how we are feeling and the actions we do, therefore, our mind, body and soul needs to be there in a positive manner!
We want success! So we will set you up for it! We are here to guide and show you the way through the learning experience, while you both try to navigate the world around you! We will keep the criteria so there is always a success!
We reward and reinforce good behaviour – We all make mistakes, and we can all learn from that, and when we do the right behaviour for our dog's needs we like to reward that using positive reinforcement! We can reinforce a quiet, relaxed friendly body.
We like to make things fun when training! Training is effective and more successful if it is a fun, enjoyable experience for your dog. We focus on the behaviours, abilities and interests of your dog's innate desires.
We like to keep it simple! – For training to be successful we like to break down training into small easy to manage bits! We make sure the criteria is in line with your dog's needs! Even simply behaviours have numerous steps and criteria to meet! The more complex the behaviour we want, the more we break it down!
We want to keep training rewarding and tasty! For training, we reinforce with tasty rewards, at different rates and many at the start! We figure out what tasty treats and rewards work! Helping them create memorable new memories and behaviours!
To top it all off, we like to remind our trainers, staff and owners that there are no magic fixes when it comes to fixing or training. Consistency, repetition, reliability, and patience are keys in all manners of training, whether it is the small cues or behaviours we are after or behaviour problems we are trying to rehabilitate.
The Approach
The approach we focus on is using up to date scientific research in the field of animal behaviour and training to make sure we are at the gold standard! We use approaches in animal behaviour analysis and training that are backed by science! And we give back to science by doing research as well!
We use positive reinforcement and experiences in our training procedures, using scientific methods created by Dr. Clay that are a pyramid-like approach. Dr. Clay has found focusing on the foundations allows us to create a strong base for our dogs. These behaviours help us in future, as the base of the pyramid is strong, the final structure will last the test of time! After building a strong foundation we work towards fundamentals! Upper levels of the pyramid are incorporated and follow on from the fundamentals of our behaviour!
The building blocks from the foundation to fundamental skills allow us to set your dogs up if anything happens in life that we can not control! It allows us to help you in future if it does happen, and allow a quick transition to further training. FUTURE PROOFING!